Energy Efficiency
Did you know you can save a lot of money on your electric and gas bills by improving the energy efficiency of your home?
There are a number of very low-cost ways to save on heating and cooling. There are also a number of grants that you can apply for to get your home weatherized and made more energy efficient - for FREE!
One program we would like to highlight is the Philadelphia Energy Authority’s Built to Last Program. BTL coordinates existing public programs and funding to provide home repair, weatherization, solarization, and heat pump installation for low-income Philadelphians. Apply here to see if you qualify and get your name on the list.
One of our partners is the Hunting Park Community Revitalization Corporation (or HPCRC - formerly HPNAC). They are a Philadelphia energy center and can walk you through your grant possibilities and help you apply. You can visit their website at or call them directly at 215-225-5560.
Check out our workshop on energy efficiency, weatherization, and climate change below: